Comprehending Agricultural Education - MHS Agriculture Department Structure
- Supervised Agricultural Experience
- This part of your student's education provides exploration and/or on-the-job training. Students are highly encouraged to begin their SAEs during their first year of membership.
- Record keeping forms are located within the FFA page of this web site. Currently our department is requesting paper copies of all SAE documentation for class. Online and electronic documentation is also available.
- An SAE is a great way to apply the knowledge gained via classroom/lab in a work based setting. Students in HS ag. courses are required to complete 15 hours of SAE per term.
- Schedule a visit with your instructor for them to visit with you on the job and with your employer.
- Students who choose to compare their SAE with others across the State and Nation can fill out a FFA Proficiency Application which is an award application for your SAE. Students can earn medals, certificates, and even cash/international trips if they place high enough.
- LINK to SAE Resource page
- LINK to SAE materials on
- Classroom/Lab
- What students learn in the classroom will help them prepare for career and college readiness. Classes are constantly updated with new strategies/labs while incorporating hands on education and working for student success.
- The district is lucky to have a greenhouse, garden facility, ag shed, animal lab and food science area to enhance student learning.
- Students and parents can access the course pages (link below) to obtain classroom materials from anywhere. If questions arise you can use the email or twitter buttons on the top right of the page to contact Mrs. Propson.
- LINK to Ag Ed Courses page
- LINK to WI Career/Training web site
- Charted in 1940, this local chapter has been providing students with leadership opportunities to the ever progressing world economy. FFA members develop their premiere leadership and personal growth utilizing 21st century workplace skills which will help them obtain career success.
- FFA members get from the organization, what they put into it. Officers have requirements to attend certain events. All other members only gain points which are used for determination of awards/trips for attending events and participation. There is no penalty for those who choose to only participate with certain events.
- Events range from leadership conferences and community service to travel opportunities and trapshoots. There is an FFA event for EVERYONE! Including fairs, shows, tournaments, etc.
- Annual dues are $25.00 which covers national and state FFA association dues along with the chapter t-shirt and a bimonthly magazine subscription.
- LINK to FFA page
- LINK to The Wisconsin Association of FFA
- LINK to The National FFA Organization