Introduction to Agriscience Skinny
On-Going Resources
WOD: Words of the Day (GSlides).
Bingo Baker (Link).
TikTok Template (GSlides).
Agriscience Packet (GDoc).
Week One - 1/23, 1/27-1/31
I can... Name all classmates by first and last name, explain the three circle model in ag ed, ID common locations for classroom supplies, explain the 8 pathways of agriculture
Class Expectations/Community. Syllabus (Godc). Vision Board Example (JPEG). Classroom Scavenger Hunt (GDoc).
Who are You. Slideshow to Update (GSlides). What is Ag? Virtual Notes (GSlides).
Three Circle Model. 3 circle model (Link).
Ag Pathways. 8 Pathways of Agriculture Notes (GSlides). AgExplorer (Link). 8 pathways - careers (GDoc). New Link Careers? (PDF).
FFA. Take a Bite Out of FFA Worksheet (GDoc). Slideshow (GSlides). We Are FFA Video (Link). FFA Student Manual (Link)
Time Management. Productivity Plan (GDoc). In Class Vision Boards.
SAE. Video Library (Link).
Week Two - 2/3-2/7
9 - S.O. VISIT
I can...ID careers in each pathway of agriculture, reflect on my career options, showcase etiquette, tie a tie and a scarf, practice inquiry in science
Diversity of Ag Careers. Career Finder Assignment (GSlides) Tips to Emails (Link). Emails Reminder - Virtual (GSlides). CC and BCC (Link).
Etiquette: Dressing for Success (Link). Dressing for Success 2 (Link). LINK to Tie Tying (Video Link).
BAD Handshakes (Video Link).
Agriscience & Inquiry. Oreo Lab (GDoc). Practice Lab - STEM Pringles (Doc)
SAE Resource. SAE Goals (GSlides).
Week Three - 2/10-2/14 - GRADE CHECKS, Koeppel gone 13
I can...explain the history of FFA, ID opportunities for students in FFA, use record keeping skills to track my SAE,
FFA History. FFA Emblem Lesson (PDF). FFA Emblem (Link). FFA Timeline Rubric (Link). Timeline Resources (Link).Timeline Maker Online Blog (Link). FFA Handbook (Link). FFA Manual Jamboard (Link).
Leadership Intro. Background Self Reflection (GDoc)
SAE Resource. Record Keeping (GSlides).
Week Four - 2/17-2/21, 21 1/2 day, Koeppel gone 21
I can...Demonstrate nonverbal and verbal communication skills.
Public Speaking. Non-Verbal Communication Video (Link). Poor Speaking Example Video (Link). Overcoming Fear TED Talk (Link).
Prepared Speaking. Ag Innovation Speech (GDoc). LINK To FFA Creed (PDF). Creed Video (Link).
Extemporaneous Speaking. Topics (Link).
OPTIONAL Top Speaking Tips Article (Link). TED Talks (Link). FFA State Office Blog (Link)
SAE. Peer SAE Speed Dating Update
Week Five - 2/24-2/28
I can...explain Robert's Rules of Order, demonstrate Parli Pro
Group Speaking - Parli Pro. KWL (GDoc). Intro Notes (GSlides). Motions (GSlides). Discussion (GSlides). Motions Cheat Sheet (GDoc). Motions Cheat Sheet Key (GDoc).
OPTIONAL. Parli Small Group Activity Worksheet (Link). Parli Salient Point Sheet (Link). Inquiry Parli Task (Link).
SAE. Whiteboard Check In
Week Six - 3/3-3/7 - GRADE CHECKS, Koeppel gone 4-7
I can...Reflect on my personal leadership traits and those of leaders in our community, conduct interviews to learn about the history of agriculture,
Leader Billboard. Foundation For A Better Life (Link). Assignment (GDoc).
History of Agriculture: Ag Oral History Interviews (GDoc). Notes (GSlides)
Timeline Resources. American Ag Changes (Link). Future of Ag Research (GSlides).
Historical Leaders. Leadership Corkboard (GSlides). Great Orators Video (Link). Current Movers and Shakers In Ag (Link). Historical Leaders in Ag Blog (Link). 100 Years of Ag - Farm Bureau (Link).
SAE. Oral Check In
Week Seven - 3/10-3/14, 14 1/2 day
I can...examine the diversity in the paper industry in WI, look at trends in fur production and the impact on WI economy, identify common hunting and fishing trends in WI, showcase my knowledge to create an educational wildlife model or display fort the school nature center
Wildlife Intro: Wisconsin Wildlife Introductory Notes (GSlides). US Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife. Nature Center Field Trip
SAE. Goal Revision
SPRING BREAK - 3/17-3/21
Week Eight - 3/24-3/28
I can...Create a vision board for my goals, ID hunger's role in our community, ID how I can fight hunger
Hunger: Hunger Ends Here Video (Link). Hunger Ends Here Video Questions (GDoc). Hunger in America (Video). Hunger Fighters Intro Video (Link). Heifer International (Link). Feed The World TED (Link). Population Clock (Link). Biofuels Reading (PDF).
Climate Change. Worksheet (GDoc). Website (Link).
SAE. Update on quiz.
Week Nine - 3/31-4/4, MIDTERM 4/4
I can...ID common crops in ag history and future, define and explain GMO's , ID workplace hazards in ag and that effect on the labor market, I can ID historical tools in agriculture,
Agronomy - Field Crops. Harvest Crop ID - Agronomy (GSlides). Filled Out Harvest Crop ID (GSlides). Maize Article (Link). Modern Marvels Full Video (Link). Modern Marvels Harvest Video Guide (GDoc). Immigrant Harvester Career Video (Link). Historical Tool Photos (GDoc) Filled In Notes Historical Tools (GSlides). Equipment Firsts (Link). 1776-1990 Farm Machinery & Tech (Link). Ag States of America (Link).
GMO: What is GMO? (Link). GMO Answers (Link).Digital Breakout Box (Link).
Midterm. Study Guide (GDoc).
SAE. Oral Check In
Week Ten - 7-11, Koeppel gone 11
I can...demonstrate the farm to fork method for 10+ global commodities, process and preserve food, ID nutritional requirements on packaging, ID risks of fear marketing, ID risks and marketing of energy drinks.
Organic. USDA 101 Fear Marketing Examples (Blog Link). Organic Resource Guide (Link).
Energy Drinks: Energy Drink Research (Doc).Follow Up Lab Q (GDoc). Energy Drinks: Template to Take Notes On (GSlides). Example Article 1 (Link). Energy Drink Deaths Article (Link). Ingredient Notes to Edit (GSlides) Mouse Experiment Video. (Link).
SAE. Post-it Notes Check In
Week Eleven - 14-18, 18 no school - GRADE CHECKS
I can...demonstrate the farm to fork method for 10+ global commodities, process and preserve food, ID nutritional requirements on packaging, ID risks of fear marketing, ID risks and marketing of energy drinks.
Food Science Notes: Textbook Scavenger Hunt (Doc).
4 C's of Food Safety: Fact Sheets (Link). Farm-Factory-Fork Video (Link). Farm to Fork (Link).
Food Borne Illness: Facts (Link) Parody Video (Link).
Preservation: Jerky Lab (Doc).
Nutrition: MyPlate (Link). Nutrition Labels (Link). LINK to FDA Site. (Link).
SAE. Mid-Term Check In
Week Twelve - 4/21-4/25
I can...explain the role of ag mechanics in agriscience, identify career potential in ag mech, identify the need for scheduling and time management in regard to my life and in regard to engine upkeep for power equipment
Ag Mech. Safety. Safety Notes (GSlides). PPE Video (Link). Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs in America (Link). Workplace Injury Infographic (Link). Safety Colors Practice Quiz (GSlides).Tool ID-Photos Only (GSlide). Tool ID - With Names (GSlide).
Careers. Presentations (GSlides).
Project Options (GDocs).
Week Thirteen - 4/28-5/2
I can...ID how and why we choose a pet, compare and contrast pet trends, compare and contrast farming methods via livestock species, explain career options in animal science, evaluate animal rights and animal welfare
Animal Careers Reading (Link). Animal Careers Facebook Profile (GSlide). Facebook Profile Rubric (GDoc).
Animal Rights/Welfare: Introduction to Animal Rights & Welfare (GSlides). Animal Rights/Welfare Factsheet (PDF). Humane Watch (Link). PETA (Link). Essay Rubric (GDoc).
Farm Virtual Tours. Rubric (GDoc). Dairy (Link). Beef (Link). Sheep (Link). Chicken (Link). Horse (Link). Goat (Link). Hog (Link).
SAE. Instructor Conferences & Background Self Reflection Conference
(GDoc). Pet Selector. Importance of Small Animals (GSlides). Quiz. (Link) What to Consider Before Getting A Pet (Link).
Pet Experiences. In class activity
SAE. Peer Check In
Week Fourteen - 5/5-5/9, 9 1/2 day - GRADE CHECKS
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Intro to Horticulture. Intro Reading (PDF). Intro Notes (PDF). Three Sister
Greenhouse. Wordle Creation (link). Lab Day Stations (GDoc). Sister Planting (Link). Three Sister 2024 (Link).
Horticulture Careers. Careers In Horticulture Reading (PDF).
SAE. Check in Discussion. Career Readiness Skills
Week Fifteen - 5/12-5/16
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Floral Tools. Notes (Link).
Principals of Design - Principals of Design (Link). Holiday Arrangement Costing Sheet (Gdoc).
Wrap-up. End of Week Wrap Up (Jamboard).
SAE. Presentation Work Time
Week Sixteen - 5/19-5/23, 21 Koeppel gone
I can...summarize new technology in agriculture, explain the role of biofuels, demonstrate the scientific method in agriscience
Ag Literacy Project (GDoc). Rubric (GDoc).
Week Seventeen - 5/26-5/30, 26 no school
SAE Presentations. Final Reflection - SAE Survey (GForms).
Week Eighteen - 6/2-6/6, 5 finals, 6 1/2 day
I can...showcase my knowledge in an oral and written fashion
Final Exams. Study Guide (GDoc)
WOD: Words of the Day (GSlides).
Bingo Baker (Link).
TikTok Template (GSlides).
Agriscience Packet (GDoc).
Week One - 1/23, 1/27-1/31
I can... Name all classmates by first and last name, explain the three circle model in ag ed, ID common locations for classroom supplies, explain the 8 pathways of agriculture
Class Expectations/Community. Syllabus (Godc). Vision Board Example (JPEG). Classroom Scavenger Hunt (GDoc).
Who are You. Slideshow to Update (GSlides). What is Ag? Virtual Notes (GSlides).
Three Circle Model. 3 circle model (Link).
Ag Pathways. 8 Pathways of Agriculture Notes (GSlides). AgExplorer (Link). 8 pathways - careers (GDoc). New Link Careers? (PDF).
FFA. Take a Bite Out of FFA Worksheet (GDoc). Slideshow (GSlides). We Are FFA Video (Link). FFA Student Manual (Link)
Time Management. Productivity Plan (GDoc). In Class Vision Boards.
SAE. Video Library (Link).
Week Two - 2/3-2/7
9 - S.O. VISIT
I can...ID careers in each pathway of agriculture, reflect on my career options, showcase etiquette, tie a tie and a scarf, practice inquiry in science
Diversity of Ag Careers. Career Finder Assignment (GSlides) Tips to Emails (Link). Emails Reminder - Virtual (GSlides). CC and BCC (Link).
Etiquette: Dressing for Success (Link). Dressing for Success 2 (Link). LINK to Tie Tying (Video Link).
BAD Handshakes (Video Link).
Agriscience & Inquiry. Oreo Lab (GDoc). Practice Lab - STEM Pringles (Doc)
SAE Resource. SAE Goals (GSlides).
Week Three - 2/10-2/14 - GRADE CHECKS, Koeppel gone 13
I can...explain the history of FFA, ID opportunities for students in FFA, use record keeping skills to track my SAE,
FFA History. FFA Emblem Lesson (PDF). FFA Emblem (Link). FFA Timeline Rubric (Link). Timeline Resources (Link).Timeline Maker Online Blog (Link). FFA Handbook (Link). FFA Manual Jamboard (Link).
Leadership Intro. Background Self Reflection (GDoc)
SAE Resource. Record Keeping (GSlides).
Week Four - 2/17-2/21, 21 1/2 day, Koeppel gone 21
I can...Demonstrate nonverbal and verbal communication skills.
Public Speaking. Non-Verbal Communication Video (Link). Poor Speaking Example Video (Link). Overcoming Fear TED Talk (Link).
Prepared Speaking. Ag Innovation Speech (GDoc). LINK To FFA Creed (PDF). Creed Video (Link).
Extemporaneous Speaking. Topics (Link).
OPTIONAL Top Speaking Tips Article (Link). TED Talks (Link). FFA State Office Blog (Link)
SAE. Peer SAE Speed Dating Update
Week Five - 2/24-2/28
I can...explain Robert's Rules of Order, demonstrate Parli Pro
Group Speaking - Parli Pro. KWL (GDoc). Intro Notes (GSlides). Motions (GSlides). Discussion (GSlides). Motions Cheat Sheet (GDoc). Motions Cheat Sheet Key (GDoc).
OPTIONAL. Parli Small Group Activity Worksheet (Link). Parli Salient Point Sheet (Link). Inquiry Parli Task (Link).
SAE. Whiteboard Check In
Week Six - 3/3-3/7 - GRADE CHECKS, Koeppel gone 4-7
I can...Reflect on my personal leadership traits and those of leaders in our community, conduct interviews to learn about the history of agriculture,
Leader Billboard. Foundation For A Better Life (Link). Assignment (GDoc).
History of Agriculture: Ag Oral History Interviews (GDoc). Notes (GSlides)
Timeline Resources. American Ag Changes (Link). Future of Ag Research (GSlides).
Historical Leaders. Leadership Corkboard (GSlides). Great Orators Video (Link). Current Movers and Shakers In Ag (Link). Historical Leaders in Ag Blog (Link). 100 Years of Ag - Farm Bureau (Link).
SAE. Oral Check In
Week Seven - 3/10-3/14, 14 1/2 day
I can...examine the diversity in the paper industry in WI, look at trends in fur production and the impact on WI economy, identify common hunting and fishing trends in WI, showcase my knowledge to create an educational wildlife model or display fort the school nature center
Wildlife Intro: Wisconsin Wildlife Introductory Notes (GSlides). US Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife. Nature Center Field Trip
SAE. Goal Revision
SPRING BREAK - 3/17-3/21
Week Eight - 3/24-3/28
I can...Create a vision board for my goals, ID hunger's role in our community, ID how I can fight hunger
Hunger: Hunger Ends Here Video (Link). Hunger Ends Here Video Questions (GDoc). Hunger in America (Video). Hunger Fighters Intro Video (Link). Heifer International (Link). Feed The World TED (Link). Population Clock (Link). Biofuels Reading (PDF).
Climate Change. Worksheet (GDoc). Website (Link).
SAE. Update on quiz.
Week Nine - 3/31-4/4, MIDTERM 4/4
I can...ID common crops in ag history and future, define and explain GMO's , ID workplace hazards in ag and that effect on the labor market, I can ID historical tools in agriculture,
Agronomy - Field Crops. Harvest Crop ID - Agronomy (GSlides). Filled Out Harvest Crop ID (GSlides). Maize Article (Link). Modern Marvels Full Video (Link). Modern Marvels Harvest Video Guide (GDoc). Immigrant Harvester Career Video (Link). Historical Tool Photos (GDoc) Filled In Notes Historical Tools (GSlides). Equipment Firsts (Link). 1776-1990 Farm Machinery & Tech (Link). Ag States of America (Link).
GMO: What is GMO? (Link). GMO Answers (Link).Digital Breakout Box (Link).
Midterm. Study Guide (GDoc).
SAE. Oral Check In
Week Ten - 7-11, Koeppel gone 11
I can...demonstrate the farm to fork method for 10+ global commodities, process and preserve food, ID nutritional requirements on packaging, ID risks of fear marketing, ID risks and marketing of energy drinks.
Organic. USDA 101 Fear Marketing Examples (Blog Link). Organic Resource Guide (Link).
Energy Drinks: Energy Drink Research (Doc).Follow Up Lab Q (GDoc). Energy Drinks: Template to Take Notes On (GSlides). Example Article 1 (Link). Energy Drink Deaths Article (Link). Ingredient Notes to Edit (GSlides) Mouse Experiment Video. (Link).
SAE. Post-it Notes Check In
Week Eleven - 14-18, 18 no school - GRADE CHECKS
I can...demonstrate the farm to fork method for 10+ global commodities, process and preserve food, ID nutritional requirements on packaging, ID risks of fear marketing, ID risks and marketing of energy drinks.
Food Science Notes: Textbook Scavenger Hunt (Doc).
4 C's of Food Safety: Fact Sheets (Link). Farm-Factory-Fork Video (Link). Farm to Fork (Link).
Food Borne Illness: Facts (Link) Parody Video (Link).
Preservation: Jerky Lab (Doc).
Nutrition: MyPlate (Link). Nutrition Labels (Link). LINK to FDA Site. (Link).
SAE. Mid-Term Check In
Week Twelve - 4/21-4/25
I can...explain the role of ag mechanics in agriscience, identify career potential in ag mech, identify the need for scheduling and time management in regard to my life and in regard to engine upkeep for power equipment
Ag Mech. Safety. Safety Notes (GSlides). PPE Video (Link). Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs in America (Link). Workplace Injury Infographic (Link). Safety Colors Practice Quiz (GSlides).Tool ID-Photos Only (GSlide). Tool ID - With Names (GSlide).
Careers. Presentations (GSlides).
Project Options (GDocs).
Week Thirteen - 4/28-5/2
I can...ID how and why we choose a pet, compare and contrast pet trends, compare and contrast farming methods via livestock species, explain career options in animal science, evaluate animal rights and animal welfare
Animal Careers Reading (Link). Animal Careers Facebook Profile (GSlide). Facebook Profile Rubric (GDoc).
Animal Rights/Welfare: Introduction to Animal Rights & Welfare (GSlides). Animal Rights/Welfare Factsheet (PDF). Humane Watch (Link). PETA (Link). Essay Rubric (GDoc).
Farm Virtual Tours. Rubric (GDoc). Dairy (Link). Beef (Link). Sheep (Link). Chicken (Link). Horse (Link). Goat (Link). Hog (Link).
SAE. Instructor Conferences & Background Self Reflection Conference
(GDoc). Pet Selector. Importance of Small Animals (GSlides). Quiz. (Link) What to Consider Before Getting A Pet (Link).
Pet Experiences. In class activity
SAE. Peer Check In
Week Fourteen - 5/5-5/9, 9 1/2 day - GRADE CHECKS
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Intro to Horticulture. Intro Reading (PDF). Intro Notes (PDF). Three Sister
Greenhouse. Wordle Creation (link). Lab Day Stations (GDoc). Sister Planting (Link). Three Sister 2024 (Link).
Horticulture Careers. Careers In Horticulture Reading (PDF).
SAE. Check in Discussion. Career Readiness Skills
Week Fifteen - 5/12-5/16
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Floral Tools. Notes (Link).
Principals of Design - Principals of Design (Link). Holiday Arrangement Costing Sheet (Gdoc).
Wrap-up. End of Week Wrap Up (Jamboard).
SAE. Presentation Work Time
Week Sixteen - 5/19-5/23, 21 Koeppel gone
I can...summarize new technology in agriculture, explain the role of biofuels, demonstrate the scientific method in agriscience
Ag Literacy Project (GDoc). Rubric (GDoc).
Week Seventeen - 5/26-5/30, 26 no school
SAE Presentations. Final Reflection - SAE Survey (GForms).
Week Eighteen - 6/2-6/6, 5 finals, 6 1/2 day
I can...showcase my knowledge in an oral and written fashion
Final Exams. Study Guide (GDoc)
Future of Ag: 15 Tech Innovations Video (Link). Innovation Jamboard (Link).
Wildlife Intro: Wisconsin Wildlife Introductory Notes (GSlides). US Fish & Wildlife Service (Link). Wildlife Portfolio (Doc).
Forestry. Tree ID - Resources (DNR Link). Worksheet (Doc.) Tree ID (PPT). Tree ID Packet (Doc). Tree Cookie Guide (Link). Tree Cookie Worksheet (Doc). Interactive Dichotomous Key Rubric (Doc).
Aquaculture. 1. Aquaculture Reading (Doc). 2 AquaPONICS Reading (Doc). 3.HYDROponics Reading (Doc.) Project Options (Doc).
Habitats. Habitats NatGeo (Link).
3 Circle Model (Link).
Week One: 3/27 to 3/31: Welcome to Ag Ed
I can... Name all classmates by first and last name, explain the three circle model in ag ed, ID common locations for classroom supplies, demonstrate why organization and record keeping are vital to agribusiness, explain the 8 pathways of agriculture, ID how AFNR provides basic human needs, ID top agricultural commodities, compare and contrast ag careers, reflect on employability skills.
M: Class Expectations/Community. Syllabus (Gdoc). Classroom Scavenger Hunt (GDoc). Slideshow to Update (GSlides).
Three Circle Model. 3 Circle Model (Link) What is Ag? Virtual Notes (GSlides).
Tu: Ag Pathways. 8 Pathways of Agriculture Notes (GSlides). Careers in the 8 Pathways (GDoc). AgExplorer (Link).Career Finder Assignment (GSlides)
W: Human Needs AFNR. Lesson (Link).
Th: Ag Commodities. Lesson (Link).
F: SAE. Video Library (Link). SAE Goals (GSlides).
Leadership Intro. Background Self Reflection (GDoc) Foundation For A Better Life (Link). Assignment (GDoc).
Week Two: 3/10 to 3/14: Ag Communications
I can...Demonstrate nonverbal and verbal communication skills, demonstrate prepared and extemporaneous speaking, create a formal and informal personal introduction, demonstrate teamwork and etiquette skills, demonstrate parliamentary procedure.
M: FFA. Take a Bite Out of FFA Worksheet (GDoc). Slideshow (GSlides). We Are FFA Video (Link). FFA Student Manual (Link)
Etiquette: Dressing for Success (Link). Dressing for Success 2 (Link). LINK to Tie Tying (Video Link). BAD Handshakes (Video Link). Introductions.
T: Communication: Non-Verbal Communication Video (Link). Poor Speaking Example Video (Link). Overcoming Fear TED Talk (Link).
W: History of Agriculture: Ag Oral History Interviews (GDoc). Notes (GSlides)
Th: Public Speaking. Speed Date Ag Interviews. Nonverbal Communication Reading (PDF).
F: SAE Resource. Record Keeping (GSlides).
Week Three: 3/17 to 3/21: Agriscience Essentials
I can...use inquiry and disciplinary literacy to perform experiments, demonstrate measurement and accuracy in a lab, analyze the PH scale using the scientific method, summarize new technology in agriculture, explain the role of biofuels
M: Intro Video (Link).
Tu: Biofuel Lesson (Link).
F:SAE. Oral Check In (Speed Dating)
Agriscience & Inquiry. Oreo Lab (GDoc). Practice Lab - STEM Pringles (Doc)
Week Four: 3/24 to 3/28: Animal Science
I can...ID how and why we choose a pet, compare and contrast pet trends, compare and contrast farming methods via livestock species, explain career options in animal science, evaluate animal rights and animal welfare, compare and contrast animal and plant cells, explain the role of genetics in animal breeding and selection.
F:SAE. Whiteboard Check In
Week Five: 5/1 to 5/5: Food Science
I can...demonstrate the farm to fork method for 10+ global commodities, process and preserve food, ID nutritional requirements on packaging, ID risks of fear marketing, ID risks and marketing of energy drinks, ID contamination opportunities in food science.
F: SAE. Instructor Conferences
Week Six: 5/8 to 5/12: Ag Mech & Technology - TBD - Rod Building
I can...explain the role of ag mechanics in agriscience, demonstrate English and Metric measurement, Connect common tools/equipment to function, ID safety risks in ag mech, plan/design/construct and evaluate my design.
F: SAE. Post-it Notes Check In
Week Seven: 5/15 to 5/19: Plant Science
I can...ID careers in horticulture, ID parts/functions of the plant, demonstrate principals of design, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth, identify the causes and role of erosion
F: SAE. Photo Share Out
Week Eight: 5/22 to 5/26: Wisconsin Wildlife
I can...identify characteristics in healthy soils, demonstrate the role of pollution in the water cycle, demonstrate the role of ecosystem interdependence, examine the diversity in the paper industry in WI, identify common hunting and fishing trends in WI, showcase my knowledge to create an educational wildlife model or display fort the school nature center
F: SAE. Career Readiness Skills Convo
Week Nine: 5/30 to 6/2; Your Future In Agriculture
I can...Create a vision board for my goals, write SMART goals, ID hunger's role in our community, ID how I can fight hunger, Examine careers in AFNR.
M: Time Management. Productivity Plan (GDoc). In Class Vision Boards. Vision Board Example (JPEG).
Tu: Leadership Intro. Background Self Reflection (GDoc)
W: Hunger: Hunger Ends Here Video (Link). Hunger Ends Here Video Questions (GDoc). Hunger in America (Video). Hunger Fighters Intro Video (Link). Heifer International (Link). Feed The World TED (Link). Population Clock (Link).
Th: Final Exam. Study Guide (GDoc).
F:SAE. Presentations Final Reflection - SAE Survey (GForms).
Older Resources -
FFA History. FFA Emblem Lesson (PDF). FFA Timeline Rubric (Link). Timeline Resources (Link).Timeline Maker Online Blog (Link). FFA Handbook (Link). FFA Manual Jamboard (Link).
Public Speaking. Non-Verbal Communication Video (Link). Poor Speaking Example Video (Link). Overcoming Fear TED Talk (Link).
Prepared Speaking. Ag Innovation Speech (GDoc). LINK To FFA Creed (PDF). Creed Video (Link).
Extemporaneous Speaking. Topics (Link).
OPTIONAL Top Speaking Tips Article (Link). TED Talks (Link). FFA State Office Blog (Link)
Group Speaking - Parli Pro. KWL (GDoc). Intro Notes (GSlides). Motions (GSlides). Discussion (GSlides). Motions Cheat Sheet (GDoc). Motions Cheat Sheet Key (GDoc).
OPTIONAL. Parli Small Group Activity Worksheet (Link). Parli Salient Point Sheet (Link). Inquiry Parli Task (Link).
Animal Careers Reading (Link). Animal Careers Facebook Profile (GSlide). Facebook Profile Rubric (GDoc).
Animal Rights/Welfare: Introduction to Animal Rights & Welfare (GSlides). Animal Rights/Welfare Factsheet (PDF). Humane Watch (Link). PETA (Link). Essay Rubric (GDoc).
Farm Virtual Tours. Rubric (GDoc). Dairy (Link). Beef (Link). Sheep (Link). Chicken (Link). Horse (Link). Goat (Link). Hog (Link).
Pet Selector. Importance of Small Animals (GSlides). Quiz. (Link) What to Consider Before Getting A Pet (Link).
Pet Experiences. In class activity
Agronomy - Field Crops. Harvest Crop ID - Agronomy (GSlides). Filled Out Harvest Crop ID (GSlides). Maize Article (Link). Modern Marvels Full Video (Link). Modern Marvels Harvest Video Guide (GDoc). Immigrant Harvester Career Video (Link). Historical Tool Photos (GDoc) Filled In Notes Historical Tools (GSlides). Equipment Firsts (Link). 1776-1990 Farm Machinery & Tech (Link). Ag States of America (Link).
GMO: What is GMO? (Link). GMO Answers (Link).Digital Breakout Box (Link).
Midterm. Study Guide (GDoc).
Organic. USDA 101 Fear Marketing Examples (Blog Link). Organic Resource Guide (Link).
Energy Drinks: Energy Drink Research (Doc).Follow Up Lab Q (GDoc). Energy Drinks: Template to Take Notes On (GSlides). Example Article 1 (Link). Energy Drink Deaths Article (Link).
Ingredient Notes to Edit (GSlides) Mouse Experiment Video. (Link).
Preservation: Jerky Lab (Doc).
4 C's of Food Safety: Fact Sheets (Link). Farm-Factory-Fork Video (Link).
Food Borne Illness: Facts (Link) Parody Video (Link). Food Borne Illness & Microorganism Reading. (PDF)
Food Science Notes: Textbook Scavenger Hunt (Doc). Nutrition: MyPlate (Link). Nutrition Labels Reading (PDF). Nutrition Labels (Link). LINK to FDA Site. (Link)
Week Twelve - 4/17-4/21 GRADE CHECKS
I can...examine the diversity in the paper industry in WI, look at trends in fur production and the impact on WI economy, identify common hunting and fishing trends in WI, showcase my knowledge to create an educational wildlife model or display fort the school nature center
Wildlife Intro: Wisconsin Wildlife Introductory Notes (GSlides). US Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife. Nature Center Field Trip
Week Thirteen - 4/24-4/28
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Intro to Horticulture. Intro Reading (PDF). Wordle Creation (link). Careers In Horticulture Reading (PDF). Lab Day Stations (GDoc).
Principals of Design - Principals of Design Reading (PDF). Holiday Arrangement Costing Sheet (Gdoc). In Class Lab.
Floral Tools. Notes (Link).
SAE. Photo Share Out
Week Fourteen - 5/1-5/5
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Greenhouse. In class activity.
Intro to Horticulture. Intro Notes (PDF). Intro Reading (PDF). Careers In Horticulture Reading (PDF). Lab Day Stations (GDoc).
Sister Planting (Link). End of Week Wrap Up (Jamboard).
SAE. Career Readiness Skills Discussion and Tie In
Week Fifteen - 5/8-5/12 GRADE CHECKS
I can...explain the role of ag mechanics in agriscience, identify career potential in ag mech, identify the need for scheduling and time management in regard to my life and in regard to engine upkeep for power equipment
Ag Mech.
Safety. Safety Notes (GSlides). PPE Video (Link). Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs in America (Link). Workplace Injury Infographic (Link). NFU Farm Safety Videos (Link).
Careers. Presentations (GSlides).
Basics. In class activity
Project. Hypertufa Planters Video (Link). Inquiry Lab (GDoc). Concrete (GSlides).
SAE. Presentation Work Time
Week Sixteen - 5/15-5/19
I can...Create a vision board for my goals, ID hunger's role in our community, ID how I can fight hunger
Hunger: Hunger Ends Here Video (Link). Hunger Ends Here Video Questions (GDoc). Hunger in America (Video). Hunger Fighters Intro Video (Link). Heifer International (Link). Feed The World TED (Link). Population Clock (Link).
SAE. Presentations
Week Seventeen - 5/22-5/26
I can...summarize new technology in agriculture, explain the role of biofuels, demonstrate the scientific method in agriscience
Future of Ag: 15 Tech Innovations Video (Link). Innovation Jamboard (Link). Biofuels Reading (PDF).
Climate Change. Worksheet (GDoc). Website (Link).
Sustainability & Environmental Education.
Week Eighteen - 5/30-6/6 FINALS.
I can...showcase my knowledge in an oral and written fashion
SAE Presentations. Final Reflection - SAE Survey (GForms).
Leadership Eval. Background Self Reflection (GDoc)
Final Exams. Study Guide (GDoc).
Agri-science Research Project: Project Template (GDocs). Brainstorming Worksheet (PDF). How to Choose a Topic (GDoc). Gallery Walk (GDoc).
Agriscience Fair Research SAE Examples Video (Link). Peer Critique (GDoc).
Ending Hunger & Educating Others:
Wildlife Portfolio (Doc).
Forestry. Tree ID - Resources (DNR Link). Worksheet (Doc.) Tree ID (PPT). Tree ID Packet (Doc). Tree Cookie Guide (Link). Tree Cookie Worksheet (Doc). Interactive Dichotomous Key Rubric (Doc).
Aquaculture. 1. Aquaculture Reading (Doc). 2 AquaPONICS Reading (Doc). 3.HYDROponics Reading (Doc.) Project Options (Doc).
Habitats. Habitats NatGeo (Link).
Career Project Rubric. (Doc). Loan Calculator (Link). USDA Careers (Link). Sample Resume (Link).
Interest Survey (Form) Practice Lab - STEM Pringles (Doc)
OPTIONAL. Floral Pumpkin (GDoc)
FFA Mission Lesson (PDF).
Wildlife Intro: Wisconsin Wildlife Introductory Notes (GSlides). US Fish & Wildlife Service (Link). Wildlife Portfolio (Doc).
Forestry. Tree ID - Resources (DNR Link). Worksheet (Doc.) Tree ID (PPT). Tree ID Packet (Doc). Tree Cookie Guide (Link). Tree Cookie Worksheet (Doc). Interactive Dichotomous Key Rubric (Doc).
Aquaculture. 1. Aquaculture Reading (Doc). 2 AquaPONICS Reading (Doc). 3.HYDROponics Reading (Doc.) Project Options (Doc).
Habitats. Habitats NatGeo (Link).
3 Circle Model (Link).
Week One: 3/27 to 3/31: Welcome to Ag Ed
I can... Name all classmates by first and last name, explain the three circle model in ag ed, ID common locations for classroom supplies, demonstrate why organization and record keeping are vital to agribusiness, explain the 8 pathways of agriculture, ID how AFNR provides basic human needs, ID top agricultural commodities, compare and contrast ag careers, reflect on employability skills.
M: Class Expectations/Community. Syllabus (Gdoc). Classroom Scavenger Hunt (GDoc). Slideshow to Update (GSlides).
Three Circle Model. 3 Circle Model (Link) What is Ag? Virtual Notes (GSlides).
Tu: Ag Pathways. 8 Pathways of Agriculture Notes (GSlides). Careers in the 8 Pathways (GDoc). AgExplorer (Link).Career Finder Assignment (GSlides)
W: Human Needs AFNR. Lesson (Link).
Th: Ag Commodities. Lesson (Link).
F: SAE. Video Library (Link). SAE Goals (GSlides).
Leadership Intro. Background Self Reflection (GDoc) Foundation For A Better Life (Link). Assignment (GDoc).
Week Two: 3/10 to 3/14: Ag Communications
I can...Demonstrate nonverbal and verbal communication skills, demonstrate prepared and extemporaneous speaking, create a formal and informal personal introduction, demonstrate teamwork and etiquette skills, demonstrate parliamentary procedure.
M: FFA. Take a Bite Out of FFA Worksheet (GDoc). Slideshow (GSlides). We Are FFA Video (Link). FFA Student Manual (Link)
Etiquette: Dressing for Success (Link). Dressing for Success 2 (Link). LINK to Tie Tying (Video Link). BAD Handshakes (Video Link). Introductions.
T: Communication: Non-Verbal Communication Video (Link). Poor Speaking Example Video (Link). Overcoming Fear TED Talk (Link).
W: History of Agriculture: Ag Oral History Interviews (GDoc). Notes (GSlides)
Th: Public Speaking. Speed Date Ag Interviews. Nonverbal Communication Reading (PDF).
F: SAE Resource. Record Keeping (GSlides).
Week Three: 3/17 to 3/21: Agriscience Essentials
I can...use inquiry and disciplinary literacy to perform experiments, demonstrate measurement and accuracy in a lab, analyze the PH scale using the scientific method, summarize new technology in agriculture, explain the role of biofuels
M: Intro Video (Link).
Tu: Biofuel Lesson (Link).
F:SAE. Oral Check In (Speed Dating)
Agriscience & Inquiry. Oreo Lab (GDoc). Practice Lab - STEM Pringles (Doc)
Week Four: 3/24 to 3/28: Animal Science
I can...ID how and why we choose a pet, compare and contrast pet trends, compare and contrast farming methods via livestock species, explain career options in animal science, evaluate animal rights and animal welfare, compare and contrast animal and plant cells, explain the role of genetics in animal breeding and selection.
F:SAE. Whiteboard Check In
Week Five: 5/1 to 5/5: Food Science
I can...demonstrate the farm to fork method for 10+ global commodities, process and preserve food, ID nutritional requirements on packaging, ID risks of fear marketing, ID risks and marketing of energy drinks, ID contamination opportunities in food science.
F: SAE. Instructor Conferences
Week Six: 5/8 to 5/12: Ag Mech & Technology - TBD - Rod Building
I can...explain the role of ag mechanics in agriscience, demonstrate English and Metric measurement, Connect common tools/equipment to function, ID safety risks in ag mech, plan/design/construct and evaluate my design.
F: SAE. Post-it Notes Check In
Week Seven: 5/15 to 5/19: Plant Science
I can...ID careers in horticulture, ID parts/functions of the plant, demonstrate principals of design, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth, identify the causes and role of erosion
F: SAE. Photo Share Out
Week Eight: 5/22 to 5/26: Wisconsin Wildlife
I can...identify characteristics in healthy soils, demonstrate the role of pollution in the water cycle, demonstrate the role of ecosystem interdependence, examine the diversity in the paper industry in WI, identify common hunting and fishing trends in WI, showcase my knowledge to create an educational wildlife model or display fort the school nature center
F: SAE. Career Readiness Skills Convo
Week Nine: 5/30 to 6/2; Your Future In Agriculture
I can...Create a vision board for my goals, write SMART goals, ID hunger's role in our community, ID how I can fight hunger, Examine careers in AFNR.
M: Time Management. Productivity Plan (GDoc). In Class Vision Boards. Vision Board Example (JPEG).
Tu: Leadership Intro. Background Self Reflection (GDoc)
W: Hunger: Hunger Ends Here Video (Link). Hunger Ends Here Video Questions (GDoc). Hunger in America (Video). Hunger Fighters Intro Video (Link). Heifer International (Link). Feed The World TED (Link). Population Clock (Link).
Th: Final Exam. Study Guide (GDoc).
F:SAE. Presentations Final Reflection - SAE Survey (GForms).
Older Resources -
FFA History. FFA Emblem Lesson (PDF). FFA Timeline Rubric (Link). Timeline Resources (Link).Timeline Maker Online Blog (Link). FFA Handbook (Link). FFA Manual Jamboard (Link).
Public Speaking. Non-Verbal Communication Video (Link). Poor Speaking Example Video (Link). Overcoming Fear TED Talk (Link).
Prepared Speaking. Ag Innovation Speech (GDoc). LINK To FFA Creed (PDF). Creed Video (Link).
Extemporaneous Speaking. Topics (Link).
OPTIONAL Top Speaking Tips Article (Link). TED Talks (Link). FFA State Office Blog (Link)
Group Speaking - Parli Pro. KWL (GDoc). Intro Notes (GSlides). Motions (GSlides). Discussion (GSlides). Motions Cheat Sheet (GDoc). Motions Cheat Sheet Key (GDoc).
OPTIONAL. Parli Small Group Activity Worksheet (Link). Parli Salient Point Sheet (Link). Inquiry Parli Task (Link).
Animal Careers Reading (Link). Animal Careers Facebook Profile (GSlide). Facebook Profile Rubric (GDoc).
Animal Rights/Welfare: Introduction to Animal Rights & Welfare (GSlides). Animal Rights/Welfare Factsheet (PDF). Humane Watch (Link). PETA (Link). Essay Rubric (GDoc).
Farm Virtual Tours. Rubric (GDoc). Dairy (Link). Beef (Link). Sheep (Link). Chicken (Link). Horse (Link). Goat (Link). Hog (Link).
Pet Selector. Importance of Small Animals (GSlides). Quiz. (Link) What to Consider Before Getting A Pet (Link).
Pet Experiences. In class activity
Agronomy - Field Crops. Harvest Crop ID - Agronomy (GSlides). Filled Out Harvest Crop ID (GSlides). Maize Article (Link). Modern Marvels Full Video (Link). Modern Marvels Harvest Video Guide (GDoc). Immigrant Harvester Career Video (Link). Historical Tool Photos (GDoc) Filled In Notes Historical Tools (GSlides). Equipment Firsts (Link). 1776-1990 Farm Machinery & Tech (Link). Ag States of America (Link).
GMO: What is GMO? (Link). GMO Answers (Link).Digital Breakout Box (Link).
Midterm. Study Guide (GDoc).
Organic. USDA 101 Fear Marketing Examples (Blog Link). Organic Resource Guide (Link).
Energy Drinks: Energy Drink Research (Doc).Follow Up Lab Q (GDoc). Energy Drinks: Template to Take Notes On (GSlides). Example Article 1 (Link). Energy Drink Deaths Article (Link).
Ingredient Notes to Edit (GSlides) Mouse Experiment Video. (Link).
Preservation: Jerky Lab (Doc).
4 C's of Food Safety: Fact Sheets (Link). Farm-Factory-Fork Video (Link).
Food Borne Illness: Facts (Link) Parody Video (Link). Food Borne Illness & Microorganism Reading. (PDF)
Food Science Notes: Textbook Scavenger Hunt (Doc). Nutrition: MyPlate (Link). Nutrition Labels Reading (PDF). Nutrition Labels (Link). LINK to FDA Site. (Link)
Week Twelve - 4/17-4/21 GRADE CHECKS
I can...examine the diversity in the paper industry in WI, look at trends in fur production and the impact on WI economy, identify common hunting and fishing trends in WI, showcase my knowledge to create an educational wildlife model or display fort the school nature center
Wildlife Intro: Wisconsin Wildlife Introductory Notes (GSlides). US Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife. Nature Center Field Trip
Week Thirteen - 4/24-4/28
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Intro to Horticulture. Intro Reading (PDF). Wordle Creation (link). Careers In Horticulture Reading (PDF). Lab Day Stations (GDoc).
Principals of Design - Principals of Design Reading (PDF). Holiday Arrangement Costing Sheet (Gdoc). In Class Lab.
Floral Tools. Notes (Link).
SAE. Photo Share Out
Week Fourteen - 5/1-5/5
I can...ID careers in horticulture, demonstrate principals of design with a Mother's Day arrangement, ID floral tools, explain the key requirements for plant growth.
Greenhouse. In class activity.
Intro to Horticulture. Intro Notes (PDF). Intro Reading (PDF). Careers In Horticulture Reading (PDF). Lab Day Stations (GDoc).
Sister Planting (Link). End of Week Wrap Up (Jamboard).
SAE. Career Readiness Skills Discussion and Tie In
Week Fifteen - 5/8-5/12 GRADE CHECKS
I can...explain the role of ag mechanics in agriscience, identify career potential in ag mech, identify the need for scheduling and time management in regard to my life and in regard to engine upkeep for power equipment
Ag Mech.
Safety. Safety Notes (GSlides). PPE Video (Link). Top 25 Most Dangerous Jobs in America (Link). Workplace Injury Infographic (Link). NFU Farm Safety Videos (Link).
Careers. Presentations (GSlides).
Basics. In class activity
Project. Hypertufa Planters Video (Link). Inquiry Lab (GDoc). Concrete (GSlides).
SAE. Presentation Work Time
Week Sixteen - 5/15-5/19
I can...Create a vision board for my goals, ID hunger's role in our community, ID how I can fight hunger
Hunger: Hunger Ends Here Video (Link). Hunger Ends Here Video Questions (GDoc). Hunger in America (Video). Hunger Fighters Intro Video (Link). Heifer International (Link). Feed The World TED (Link). Population Clock (Link).
SAE. Presentations
Week Seventeen - 5/22-5/26
I can...summarize new technology in agriculture, explain the role of biofuels, demonstrate the scientific method in agriscience
Future of Ag: 15 Tech Innovations Video (Link). Innovation Jamboard (Link). Biofuels Reading (PDF).
Climate Change. Worksheet (GDoc). Website (Link).
Sustainability & Environmental Education.
Week Eighteen - 5/30-6/6 FINALS.
I can...showcase my knowledge in an oral and written fashion
SAE Presentations. Final Reflection - SAE Survey (GForms).
Leadership Eval. Background Self Reflection (GDoc)
Final Exams. Study Guide (GDoc).
Agri-science Research Project: Project Template (GDocs). Brainstorming Worksheet (PDF). How to Choose a Topic (GDoc). Gallery Walk (GDoc).
Agriscience Fair Research SAE Examples Video (Link). Peer Critique (GDoc).
Ending Hunger & Educating Others:
Wildlife Portfolio (Doc).
Forestry. Tree ID - Resources (DNR Link). Worksheet (Doc.) Tree ID (PPT). Tree ID Packet (Doc). Tree Cookie Guide (Link). Tree Cookie Worksheet (Doc). Interactive Dichotomous Key Rubric (Doc).
Aquaculture. 1. Aquaculture Reading (Doc). 2 AquaPONICS Reading (Doc). 3.HYDROponics Reading (Doc.) Project Options (Doc).
Habitats. Habitats NatGeo (Link).
Career Project Rubric. (Doc). Loan Calculator (Link). USDA Careers (Link). Sample Resume (Link).
Interest Survey (Form) Practice Lab - STEM Pringles (Doc)
OPTIONAL. Floral Pumpkin (GDoc)
FFA Mission Lesson (PDF).